Spiced pumpkin, cranberry & goat cheese tarte flambée


Delicious & easy fall food as a starter to share or a 1-person dinner

I just love to make tarte flambée. I swear, I could make & eat it almost every single night, because it’s quick and easy to make and simply delicious.

It’s (almost) pizza, has an amazingly crispy bottom that only takes 3 minutes to prepare, you can top it with anything you like and baking time is 10 minutes, which makes it incredibly quick.

Since we’re in the middle of fall I thought it would be nice to play around with some fall flavors, so I picked cinnamon & cloves spiced pumpkin, fresh cranberries, chestnuts and goat’s cheese to top it off. Spoiler alert: it’s delicious! 😉

Just one quick not: you have to make sure that you slice the pumpkin really thinly, say 2mm, because baking time is so short and the pumpkin will not become tender if the slices are too thick.

Alright, so let’s go! 🙂


75g spelt flour + extra for dusting
40ml water
1/4 tsp sea salt
a splash of olive oil

50g pumpkin, finely sliced
1 tbsp crème fraiche
60g goat cheese
zest of one lemon
a hand full fresh cranberries
a hand full chestnuts, pre-cooked and peeled
a hand full fresh baby spinach, washed
a hand full freshly grated Parmesan
a pinch of ground cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves
sea salt, pepper



1. Preheat your oven to 180°C / 375°F. Line a baking try with baking paper.

2. In a bowl, mix flour, water, salt and oil. Knead until you have a dough with silky consistency, wrap in cling film and place in the fridge.

3. Place the pumpkin slices in a small bowl and season with ground cinnamon, ground cloves, ground nutmeg, salt and pepper, drizzle with oil and mix well so the pumpkin is covered in the spices mixture.

4. Roll out the dough as thinly as you can. If it is too sticky, dust with a bit of flour. Then distribute the crème fraiche on top, grate over the the lemon zest, top with spiced pumpkin and baby spinach, sprinkle with parmesan, goat’s cheese, chestnuts and cranberries.

5. Place in the oven for 10 minutes or until the dough is golden and crispy.

6. Slice into pieces and serve right away.


Spiced pumpkin, cranberry & goat cheese tarte flambee 1

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